Silk Electrolysis
The only FDA approved permanent hair removal service for all hair types and skin tones.

Who We Are
Hello! My name is Jamie Chlarson and I am the owner of Silk Electrolysis. I first got interested in electrolysis as someone who wanted to get rid of unwanted hair themselves. I had been on the search for permanent hair removal that worked on blondes! I was so excited to learn that electrolysis worked on all hair types and skin tones. Once I started treatments, I was hooked. I couldn't believe that I had only recently learned about this and felt like more of the world needed to hear about it too. This led me to applying to the Utah School of Hair Removal. I spent 250 hours reading and learning about the skin, the hair, and the science of electrolysis. I then spent 350 hours practicing electrolysis on clients. It was then that I realized electrolysis was more than just getting rid of unwanted hair, it was about helping my clients gain back confidence in themselves that they had lost because of unwanted hair growth. Seeing my clients light up week to week because of the progress they were noticing was inspiring. It brought me so much joy that I was able to help them feel more themselves. This is what I want for all of my clients, to help them feel more themselves, no matter what setbacks they have had. I can't wait to meet you!

"With confidence, you have won before you have started."
Marcus Garvey